Sunday, June 19, 2005
u know what, when we get bored with all activities
we start too kill something to get rid of it a'ight!
n in that situation i've started to think that god made some labyrinth before us, n then we are sent into that labyrinth.
u know what it's mean our phats has been "pointed", eventhough we meet some obstacel in
it, but we will try find the right phats.
start mean being born, finish mean end...
but still we can't know how much finish line in that labyrinth!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
ga ada yg menyamai manusia...
sifat yg mendasar yg kadang dia sendiri berharap ga ada pada dirinya
ga bisa hidup sendiri, bergantung pada orang lain...
pendefinisian mandiri yang serba tanggung
gila dia nanya sesuatu yang dia sendiri tau! wot it's mean?
apa manusia "sebelum" kita tau kenapa dia ada?
apa dia pernah tanya kenapa cuma ada dua orang yang diturunkan (berdasrkan konsep adam hawa)
hey nothing is exist without some reason n maybe the reason why we were here comes with
different way...
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I don't know what i 'm thinking of...
i must be angry right now, but i don't
you know what i just got my final score for subject i don't excpect to much
and i get the worse score which is big D for Dull....
damn!!! i curse everything souround me...
anjinglah...,tailah...,babilah..., n' so on
but i talk with someone today n he gave me new vision about life eventhough it doesn't have any connected with my fucking problem
his vision make me feel more calm n i start to have some fantasy again like i used to,but in positive way.
i realized that my life is so ruin n chaos, my talk is not logic n even worse...
damn god what i must do, i feel thousand knife stabed at me but in the same time i found that light.
wow it is to much serious for me...!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Find something interesting in you
Thursday, June 09, 2005
the waited one
Monday, June 06, 2005
board on the bubble
gila gw ga pernah ngira, orang bisa segitunya pake otaknya...
isn't it strange that someone previlage can cause chaos ooon someone else, perhaps god give us egual one but someone claim they have more...
gw pernah ada di tempat itu, ngomong ndiri, mengklaim gw itu lebih dari orang lain or even less than their...,tapi gw ga tau sebenernya apaan itu, mungkin cuman biar kliatan keren kali...
yeah...human (modern one) basic need is to become known or just want to show off...
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
done it !!!
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