Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I don't know what i 'm thinking of...

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i must be angry right now, but i don't
you know what i just got my final score for subject i don't excpect to much
and i get the worse score which is big D for Dull....
damn!!! i curse everything souround me...
anjinglah...,tailah...,babilah..., n' so on
but i talk with someone today n he gave me new vision about life eventhough it doesn't have any connected with my fucking problem
his vision make me feel more calm n i start to have some fantasy again like i used to,but in positive way.
i realized that my life is so ruin n chaos, my talk is not logic n even worse...
damn god what i must do, i feel thousand knife stabed at me but in the same time i found that light.

wow it is to much serious for me...!

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